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When do you feel God's presence... 

About Spirituality

Spirituality is experiencing God in persons, places, events, and things in everyday life.


Spirituality is not about religion.  It is about an intimate relationship with God.


It is about God who is not "out there" but here, with us.



How do I connect?

SLOW DOWN:  Become more attentive to God's movement in your life.  Noticing God.


BE STILL:  Pause.  Wait.  Reconnect with something bigger.Experience the "awe."


SOLITUDE: Coming home to where God is waiting.  A place to reflect and to integrate-- to discern what is truly formative.  A place to hear the voice of God -- a voice that is not foreign.


SURRENDER: Loosen your grip on the need for control, and on the need for attachment.  It requires gentleness and firmness.  Willfulness is transformed into willingness. 



What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is a relationship where you can safely make "the God talk."  It involves a safe environment for you to share your story.  It give you access to another person's view of your story, and helps you notice where God is active in it. 


Spiritual Direction also provides a moment of solidarity with another Christian, another seeker, another human being desiring the same union with God as you desire.

I am looking for something more...

Spiritual Direction can help you sort out that "seeking for something more..." 


A change in life often prompts this seeking.  There are foursources of change:




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